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School Uniform

We believe that a school uniform is important

  • It looks smart

  • It wears well

  • It contributes to a sense of pride

  • It gives a common identity


We require that parents co-operate with us in adhering to the school uniform policy.  We require our children present themselves as smart, capable members of our community with high expectations of themselves and each other.

We ask that all children wear full uniform every day and we encourage learners to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress for school.


The wearing of uniform is a very strong tradition of the school.

St Eanswythe’s School Uniform



  • School cap with badge

  • School tie

  • Grey trousers or shorts

  • White shirt

  • Grey pullover/tank top

  • Grey socks

  • Navy blue or black coat (optional)

  • School blazer with badge

  • School scarf



  • School beret with badge

  • School tie

  • Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers

  • White shirt

  • Grey pullover/tank top

  • Grey/white socks or tights

  • Navy blue or black coat (optional)

  • School blazer with badge

  • School scarf

  • Red check summer dress


Parents are asked to ensure that all items are labelled clearly with their child’s name.

During the hot weather in Summer, children are required to bring their blazers, caps and berets to school. They will only need to wear them for worship.


PE Kit

For health and safety reasons it is important that children are properly dressed for any physical activity.

Our uniform for PE is as follows:

  • Navy PE shirt with school logo

  • Navy PE shorts

  • Navy PE Hoodie with logo

  • Navy Joggers


All items of clothing for PE should be named.

PE kits should be kept in school and returned home for washing at weekends and holidays.

Uniform is available to purchase from Channel Uniforms


Channel Uniforms
118 Sandgate Road
Folkestone.  Kent
CT20 2BW
Tel: 01303 487075








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