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Religious Education

Religious Education Curriculum at St Eanswythe’s

Rationale and National Curriculum Coverage



Religious Education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to explore difficult philosophical questions, develop an understanding of different religious beliefs and also encourage them to reflect on their own ideas and way of living. St Eanswythe’s wants our children to be successful global citizens.



Our programme of RE was designed by Subject Leads and SLT to cover the statuary requirements set out by the DfE and Kent agreed syllabus in association with Canterbury Diocese. Our curriculum therefore includes extensive coverage of Christianity (as a church school) and major world religions including Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism. Humanism and other belief systems are also examined in lesser detail.

Our pupils are taught to have skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to this subject. Our aim is for them to be  knowledgeable about the fact of all major world religions and to develop an appreciation of cultural differences. RE lessons are a safe space for children to explore their own beliefs and others in a non judgmental environment and to hone their reasoning and questioning skills throughout. 

Our pupils are encouraged to be independent thinkers and to form their own opinions as well as knowing the facts and important stories of a variety of world faiths. It is important that our children can listen to others and understand that people may have opinions that differ from their own. We believe that understanding and appreciating the values of others is vital to being successful citizens of the modern world.

Our curriculum has been developed to ensure that all year group’s learning allows a strong fact based element and a development of  the understanding of the impact of the teachings of a faith have on the daily lives of individuals. Shared values across faiths are highlighted to ensure children appreciate the basic good values that link people from all world faiths and none.



RE is a high profile subject in our school both as a CofE church school and as part of our wider whole-school approach to learning holistically. The personal beliefs, or none, of our children are respected and they are free to share their thoughts and question ideas presented. 

Our RE lessons are a mix of factual information provision, creativity and have a strong emphasis on hearing voices from all cultures and faiths explored. Discussion based learning is a vital element of an RE topic. Lessons are a ‘safe space’, similar to the tone of PSHE lessons where children are encouraged to share their own views with no judgement. Our pupils are listened to by both their Teachers and their peers. Our Teachers are highly knowledgeable and have access to high quality resources and regular training.

Long term plans show the subjects to be covering each term and allow for greater depth to be built up as topics and faiths are revisited in different year groups throughout the school. Individual lessons plans and resources are shared amongst teaching staff. RE assessment, grids show the development of skills progression throughout the terms and years that give teachers a clear view of progress

Our Teachers have an in-depth knowledge of their class including pupils with SEN, EAL and adverse circumstances and this will be taken into account through their teaching.



RE will equip our children with a good understanding of and respect for the differences and similarities of people and cultures in the UK and the world. Our children are to be global citizens and, alongside our PSHE curriculum, RE will give our children the tools of knowledge, empathy and freedom of expression in order to thrive as such.

Our children will have the knowledge and confidence to explore and express their own beliefs and know that their views and valued and respected.  This personal strength of character and expectation of mutual respect is an important aspect of the holistic approach of St Eanswythe’s. 

Our children are encouraged to share in the excitement and celebrations of a variety of world faiths; specialise ‘Faith Focus’ weeks throughout the year allow a development of greater depth understanding of th4 daily lives of people from all cultures within the UK and the world. Important celebrations in the calendars of all faiths are marked in school and celebrated.

Children will leave St Eanswythe’s not only well equipped to further their RE studies in secondary school but as adult global citizens, able to confidently interact and form meaningful  relationships with people from all backgrounds.

Religious Education Curriculum Documents







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