PSHE Curriculum at St Eanswythe’s
Rationale and National Curriculum Coverage
'PSHE Education is a planned, developmental programme of learning through which pupils acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE Education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. PSHE Education equips pupils to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives.'
Our programme of PSHE was designed by Subject Leads to cover the statutory requirements set out by the DfE. Our curriculum therefore includes “Health & Well-Being” and “Relationships”. In addition to this we have included “Living in the Wider World” to broaden our pupil’s knowledge of the world around them.
Our pupils are taught to have skills, knowledge and understanding in relation to this subject. Our aim is for them to be safe and healthy and to have the skills to manage their academic and personal lives in a positive way. Our pupils are encouraged to be independent thinkers and to form their own opinions. To listen to others and understand that other people may have opinions that differ from their own. Our curriculum has been developed to ensure that all year group’s learning is synchronised across the school. This is to encourage a thematic approach and takes into account the developmental ages of our pupils. This also ensures that the subject is revisited in greater-depth as they progress through our school.
Our curriculum is taught with an emphasis on interactive learning with our Teachers as facilitators guiding our pupils to explore and develop their own thoughts and feelings. PSHE is part of our wider whole-school approach to learning holistically. Our work through PSHE links to our school values and also to Nurture Work provided by our Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead. PSHE is embedded in all subjects and is a part of our whole school ethos. Our PSHE lessons are creative, interactive and encourage discussion based learning. Our pupils are listened to by both their Teachers and their peers. Our Teachers seek to reinforce knowledge and understanding through their daily practise.
Our teachers use our long-term plan to ensure all classes are exploring the same subject matter each term. As children move through our school they will revisit topics in greater depth adding to their knowledge base and understanding. Our Teachers will have an in-depth knowledge of their class including pupils with SEN, EAL and adverse circumstances and this will be taken into account through their teaching.
PHSE is not accessed in the same formal way that our other curriculum subjects are. Assessment is on-going with the focus on individual developmental rather than attainment. For our pupils to understand that what they have learnt in PSHE in not simply classroom based but can be seen across our whole school environment and can be applied to their everyday lives.
Pupils feel listened to and feel their opinions are respected. They are able to show empathy and compassion both in school and their wider community. Our pupils use PSHE Learning Journeys to reflect on their knowledge and understanding. Key pieces of work are added to their Journey on a termly basis. Children can then review their own learning progress and reflect on their journey.