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Year 1's Early Book Day


Yesterday the class were treated to a mystery reader who came in at the end of the day to read a story. They were lucky enough to have the lovely Mrs. Semple come in!

Today Year 1 celebrated World Book Day. The day consisted of lots of activities around stories.

First the children showed the rest of the school their book and prop. They brought in some great props, including the enormous crocodile from Roald Dahl's book, a fire ball from a Super Mario storybook and a teddy from Michael Rosen's 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'.

Then we read the traditional tale of the Three Little Pigs as a class. The children were then set a task to work in fours to build a house using spaghetti and marshmallows. It was great to see the children working and communicating well as a team.

After lunch we visited the local book shop with our buddies. Each child chose a book to keep and exchanged it for their token. Two lucky children managed to grab a book that was signed by the illustrator that morning!








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