This week in Ducklings class, we've been having a fantastic time with our Maths learning, focusing on the language of more and less, as well as exploring whole and part.
Our treasure hunt around the playground was a huge hit! The children searched for cards with different amounts and then compared them with their partners to see who had more or less. It was a fun way to put these concepts into practice while getting some fresh air and movement!
We also explored the idea of whole and part in a creative way. The children made "potato people" by combining different parts, put together puzzles, built structures with wooden blocks and created all sorts of things with Lego. These activities not only helped them understand how things come together to make a whole, but also nurtured their problem-solving skills and creativity.
It’s been a week full of hands-on learning and we can’t wait to see how our Ducklings continue to grow in their mathematical thinking!