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Friday Fun!

Stuart O'Neon

Friday 19th January

Every computing lesson begins with a discussion on how to stay safe when online. The children are taught to be SMART.

S = Stay safe

M = never Meet

A = should I Accept?

R = is it Reliable

T = Tell

In year 6, the children continued an exciting topic using green screens. The children began working in groups and will over the next two or more weeks, plan and create their own short video.

In year 5, the children continued looking at databases. Over the next two weeks, the children will create their own database on their chosen topic, for example animals, footballers and singers.

Year 4: The children continued exploring writing genres. Today, the children experienced the role of being a reporter, taking notes from various messages they received. These notes will be used, in the next couple of weeks, to write a newspaper article.

Year 3: This week, the children continued a short topic on touch-typing. Today the focus was using their left hand. This was tricky but everyone gave it a good go.

Year 2: This week, the children continued looking at Binary Trees; these are simple systems, which help us to sort items, through yes no questions. (Very similar to Guess Who). Today, the children used a binary tree to identify different people.

Year 1: Today, the children focussed on a tricky challenge, which they tackled last week. This involved the children planning a set of instructions for the character to follow, rather than planning the route one instruction at a time. This was tricky but everyone tried their best.

Reception: Today, the main task was again, learning how to login to Purple Mash on their own. With adult support, all the children achieved the task! Once logged on, the children first created an avatar and then created their own space scene, having located the task in their 2dos.








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