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Ducklings Happily Settling into School Life!

Amiee Giles

Wow, what an exciting couple of days we’ve had in Ducklings class! Yesterday was our very first full day at school after a lovely week of just mornings. The children have been settling in so well and getting used to staying for lunch at school. Some brought packed lunches from home, while others were eager to try the school dinners.

Our mornings have been starting off with the children learning where their pegs are and making sure everything like bookbags, caps and lunchboxes are safely put away (they are getting really good at that). Once we’re all organised, we head to the carpet for the register, update the date and weather display and talk through the morning timetable. Yesterday, we had a special chat about our Golden Rules, which help us stay safe and happy in school by being kind and listening to our teachers. After that, we took a little walking tour around the school, saying hello to some other classes, visiting the hall where we eat lunch, and stopping by the computer room – the children loved that! We also had a quick visit to see Mrs Jacobs in her office and then it was time for some COOL (Choose Our Own Learning) time, both inside the classroom and outdoors.

For lunch, Mr O’Neon and Mrs Giles joined the children to help them get settled. The Ducklings did a wonderful job and seemed to enjoy this special part of their day, making new friends as they played and ate together. After lunch, we returned to the classroom for the afternoon register and even more COOL time! The children have also been spending some time with Mrs Page, who is our Phonics and Read Write Inc Lead, to explore what sounds they already know. Yesterday, the children took home their reading records for the first time along with some wordless books to get used to regular reading with their families.

Today, the Ducklings have been continuing to settle into their new routine. We started the day by learning about some exciting technology – Mr O’Neon has a special microscope camera that connects to the computer and shows close-ups on the big screen. The children were fascinated! We looked at fabric, leaves and even got a close-up view of some eyebrows and hair. During COOL time, many children chose to explore different materials to see what they looked like under the microscope. Today for lunch, there was a real buzz of excitement as sausage rolls, potatoes, beans and veggies were served – a delicious treat! Everyone enjoyed sitting together, sharing lunchtime with new friends from Key Stage 1, and showing how grown up and independent they’re becoming by finding their food, cutlery and water all by themselves.

After lunch today, we had an exciting RE lesson where we explored how Christians believe God created the earth in seven days. The children were fascinated as we talked through each day of creation, from light and land to plants, animals and people. When we got to the fifth day, there was a lot of excitement – this is the day when God created all the fish, sea creatures and birds. The idea of the oceans suddenly filling with life sparked the children’s imaginations. They were eager to share their thoughts on all the creatures that must have been swimming in the sea, from colourful fish and tiny crabs to dolphins, whales and even some funny jellyfish!

Inspired by this, some of the children decided to get creative during COOL time and make their very own jellyfish. Using paper plates, stickers, ribbon and plenty of enthusiasm, they crafted colourful jellyfish to hang up in the classroom or take home. It was a fun way to celebrate the fifth day of creation. The children were so pleased with their creations and it made for a wonderful end to the day!We’ve been squeezing in lots of reading, story time and of course, snack and toilet breaks too. With all the new experiences and busy days, it’s no wonder the children (and teachers!) are feeling a bit tired by home time.

We’ve been so proud of how well the Ducklings are adjusting and can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings!








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