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Last term year 3 were looking at features of castles as part of their DT project, including: towers, turrets, battlements, moats, gatehouses, curtain walls, drawbridges and flags. The children then planned their own castle design to include some of these and set about construction. This term instead of making structures from junk modelling (which we have done in the past) the children had to use cardboard and measure and cut accurately to construct their castle from a net. We broke the instructions down slowly and we were all very impressed by our castles. The children then spent an afternoon adding decorations to their castles to add in some of the features they had included in their designs. It was so lovely to see how supportive and encouraging they were to each other, sharing resources and suggestions, as well as a few of the children becoming drawbridge experts who spent time helping others to create their own drawbridges. We hope you like them as much as we do!








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