Today in school we had an America Day. Some parents generously gave of their time to come in and tell us all more about the United States of America. We found out about the size of the country compared to Great Britain and where it was in the world, along with all about the early sailors, settlers and native Americans. We learnt about the festival of Thanksgiving and the importance of not asking God for more but being thankful for what we have. All the children have decorated their own leaf with things they are grateful for and these were displayed in the hall.
During breaktimes, our guests joined us in the playground and showed us some throws and catches used in American football and taught us some cheerleading calls and moves.
For lunch the children had the chance to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner of roast turkey followed by a very popular helping of homemade apple pie and ice cream.
Key stage two classes were each invited to a workshop this afternoon to find out how school in the USA is similar and different to school in this country and everyone had the opportunity to ask questions.
A huge thank you to all the parents for organising the day and for teaching us so much.