Some parents may already know that Fridays at St Eanswythe's have a different schedule from the rest of the school week, so let’s take a peek into our Ducklings class and see exactly what goes on!
We start our Friday mornings gently, giving children a chance to settle in, chat about their morning and express how they're feeling. This quiet morning discussion helps children build emotional literacy, confidence and social communication skills as they listen and respond to their friends. After completing our register and ordering our school dinners (Fish Finger Friday remains a firm favourite!), we energise ourselves with a lively ‘wake and shake’ session, which boosts concentration and prepares us physically and mentally for the day ahead.
Next, we enjoy our PSHE lesson with Mrs Semple, where this week we discussed healthy and unhealthy foods and even created menus for a healthy party. Activities like these support children in making informed choices about their health and well-being, encouraging lifelong positive habits.
Then it's off to the playground for playtime—essential for developing children's social skills, teamwork and physical coordination. After our playtime, we have PE with Hayley, focusing this term on ball skills, particularly throwing and catching at appropriate speeds and strengths. These activities are excellent for enhancing motor skills, hand-eye coordination and cooperation through interactive group play.
Snack and story time follow, featuring tasty space biscuits (lovingly baked by the children on Thursday), fresh fruit and milk while we read the book 'Kitchen Disco'.
Art time with Miss Hayward sees the children exploring landscapes through watercolour painting, nurturing their creativity, fine motor skills and an appreciation for the natural world around them. After tidying up our colourful creations, we enjoy lunchtime.
Friday afternoons begin with music lessons with Mrs Hume, where we practise songs for our upcoming Easter Service in church. Singing together enhances language development. Of course, we always save time for favourites like 'Sleeping Bunnies' and 'Ickity Tickity Bumblebee,' fostering joy and rhythm.
Before we head home, there’s always excitement around finding out which lucky children will get to take our class ducks, Donald and Rosa, home for weekend adventures! A special visit from the Balloon Fairy adds even more magic to our day.
Finally, we relaxed together in the sunshine, listening to 'Mog in the Fog,' before heading out to greet all the mums and dads eagerly waiting to collect their little Ducklings for a restful weekend.
Our Fridays may look like lots of fun and play—and they certainly are—but the children are always learning new things, building important skills and having a wonderful time along the way.