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Welcome to Owls Class (Year 1)

Owls latest blogs

Year 1

Dear Parents/Carers of Owls,


We hope you had a really lovely Christmas break and managed to make some great memories together.

As we no longer have our nativity to practise and the craziness of Christmas term, we will be getting back to working hard with a more structured timetable this term.


Literacy: We will continue to use Talk for Writing in our literacy lessons. Talk for Writing is a fun approach to Literacy, which enables children to read and write independently for a variety of audiences and purposes within different subjects. This term we will be using T4W for a non-fictional unit on letter writing. However, during our first week, the children will have the opportunity to write letters for pleasure and will be given autonomy over what they write! Our class text this term is Winter Sleep by Sean Taylor and Alex Morss, which is all about animals that hibernate during the winter. When we begin our T4W letter writing unit in week 2, the children will be writing to a little dormouse who is lost.


Maths: Our 2 key learning areas this term are Place Value within 20 and Addition and Subtraction within 20. We continue to carry out lots of practical activities to support our Maths learning, as well as using our workbooks to answer questions around the concepts we have been learning.


Science: This term we will be learning all about seasons and weather. We will be able to link our science lessons nicely with our class text: Winter Sleep.


R.E: The theme for this term continues to be ‘Understanding Christianity’. Our big question that we are focusing our learning on is: ‘What is the good news that Jesus brings?’.


Geography: Our Geography learning is all about the United Kingdom.


PE: In PE this term we will be engaging in dance. We will be exploring a variety of travelling actions, movements skills and balances. We will discuss the importance of music and put movements to the music count. The children will copy and repeat actions, link movements and give each other positive feedback.


PSHE: This term we will be thinking about how we have similarities and differences between one another and what makes us special.

Home Learning: Home learning books will continue to be sent out with weekly spellings on a Friday. It is your child’s responsibility to hand in their books, so please help them to remember to do this by reminding them in the morning. Your child is welcome to decorate their Home Learning book however they wish.


Reading at School:
We are finding that some children are not getting their reading books out of their bookbags in the morning, despite being reminded to do so as they enter the classroom. Please encourage your child to do this each morning so that we can ensure they are read with on their reading day and that their books can be changed. Please continue to read daily with your child at home. We will check record books daily and books will be changed once they have been read through twice. Reading a book repeatedly will support your child’s understanding of a text. The more they engage with a story, the more they take away from it. It also allows your child to go over any difficult words they previously could not read. Please note: if there is a special event going on in the afternoon, we will not be able to read that day and will possibly not be able to check record books for any books that need changing. Below is the timetable for reading:


Monday - Red

Tuesday - Yellow

Wednesday - Green

Thursday - Blue



  • P.E is on a Monday and Friday; the children need to wear their kit to school every Friday, but must bring their kit in on a Monday. Please ensure all uniform is labelled clearly.

  • Please remember to read daily with your child and record any engagement of reading at home in their reading record books.

  • Your child must be sent into school every day with their blazer and school headwear (caps/berets). A coat is also essential as the weather is still very cold and the children spend their playtimes outside, unless it is raining heavily.

  • Please remember to bring a water bottle in every day.

  • Please support your child’s phonic learning at home using the different resources that have been sent out to you.

  • You are welcome to send your child in with fruit each day for their snack, however, the school does provide a piece of fruit every day for your child during their morning playtime.


If there are any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best Wishes,

Mrs Laidlow and Mrs Price

Curriculum Plans:







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