Family Liaison Officer
Hello, my name is Kim Adlington and I am the Family Liaison Officer (FLO) at St Eanswythe’s C of E Primary School.
My role is to provide pastoral support to parents/carers and help with any issues that you may have in relation to supporting your children, both at home and in school. I work to encourage parental involvement within school, signpost to agencies (where appropriate) and support children in school.

Should you have a personal concern or school related issue, then I am here as a listening ear. I have access to a number of agencies who may be able to provide support to you and your family. Any query, large or small that you may require assistance with, I am here to help. I liaise with all school staff, always in the best interests of the children and their families. I work impartially and confidentially and can provide a ‘listening ear’ if you ever need advice or support.
I can be contacted on 01303 255516 or e-mail: kadlington@st-eanswythes.kent.sch.uk
Summary of Role and Involvement with Parents/Carers
In my role as FLO (Family Liaison Officer) I have supported parents/carers of children at St Eanswythe’s Primary School. I work closely with Katy Semple, the Mental Health and Well-being Lead. My role is varied. I provide support, information and education service to parents and I investigate concerns raised by parents, pupils and teachers as agreed by the Head Teacher. My primary role is to focus on early intervention and preventative activities.
I have contact with parents and families who have had family difficulties. These include issues around domestic abuse, housing, parental separation, attendance, health, social services, early years, police, education welfare officer, counselling etc.
Early Help and Preventative Service (EHPS) With consent I liaise with and refer into our local EHPS (Early Help and Preventative Service) this service provides additional support to families. For further information please speak to me.
I have also attended a number of CIN (child in need) and CP (child protection) meetings to support parents.
I am available to parents prior to their children coming into school. I regularly provide a listening ear to families and mediate between parents who have separated and find communication difficult, frequently with their children ‘in the middle’. I liaise with school staff where appropriate.
I aim to promote the self-esteem of parents, in turn to enable them to respond to their family needs by communicating openly and to provide good parenting. I work closely with the safeguarding team, passing on information, where appropriate.
Each year in June and July, I make home visits with the CLO to the new entrants into Year R. This involves explaining our roles within school and meeting new parents, so that they have a familiar face from the outset.
I have a FLO notice board and regularly update this with details of any events within school and those held locally.
Approximately every six weeks I attend FLO network and FLO supervision meetings. At network meetings I meet with FLO’s from other Shepway One and Rural Primary schools, where we exchange information and keep up to date with local events and facilities available to families. I attend courses where appropriate e.g. Child Protection, Mediation, Domestic Abuse etc. to keep up to date with current practices.
Katy Semple and I regularly support both the children and their families with mediation which has been highly beneficial to families, opening up lines of communication where relationships have broken down.