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Welcome to Eagles Class (Year 2)

Eagles latest blogs

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Dear Parents / Carers


Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a new term.  Below you will find an outline of everything your child will be covering in this term.


Literacy: This term in literacy the children are going to be focusing on the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. The story pattern will be a journey, with a focus of the forest setting. The children will be continuing to learn about nouns, adjectives and verbs, as well as inverted commas and different sentence types.


Numeracy:  In numeracy we are going to be learning all about shape, money, as well as beginning the multiplication and division unit.


Science: This term's science topic is ‘Electricity’. The children will be learning what electricity is and how to be safe. They will all be learning about different types of circuits and what materials are conductive and non-conductive.


Geography: This half term is our geography topic, and we are going to be learning about the British Isles. 


Computing: Computing will be taught on a Friday by Mr O’Neon and this term the children will be taught all about ‘questioning’. 


RE: This term we will be learning about Humanism and the key question is ‘Who are humanist and how do they live?’. 

Art: In art year 2 will be working in 3 dimensions, telling a story through drawing and making. 


DT: This term the children will be completing a DT unit on Nutrition and learning all about a balanced diet.


PSHE:  The topic for PSHE this term is ‘Physical differences and Celebrating our own identify’.


Music:  In music the children are going to be learning all about the African Call and Response songs.


PE: This term in PE the children will be learning about fundamental skills and invasion games.



  • Please make sure your child always has their FULL PE kit in school on Monday and that it is clearly named. However, we will send your child’s PE kit home on a Thursday, as they will need to come into school every Friday wearing their FULL PE kit ready for their Friday PE lesson.

  • A letter will be sent out showing you what your child is expected to do for homework each week. The letter will include reading, weekly spellings and maths.

  • Please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle every day.

  • All uniform should be clearly labelled, so it can be easily returned if it gets misplaced.

  • I hope this will give you further insight into your child’s education. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours faithfully

Miss Giles

Curriculum Plans:







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