Thumbs up to keeping safe!
In PSHE Eagles Class took part in a quiz all about how to keep ourselves safe. To start our lesson the class looked a warning signs from...

Over the past few weeks we have been visiting Glendale with our reading and story books. Several kind residents listen to the children...

PTFA Quiz Night
Recently the PTFA held a quiz night to raise funds and for a bit of fun. Seven teams competed for the cup and the Smarties showing...

Folkestone Museum - Year 2
As year 2 is learning all about the Romans this term, it was the perfect opportunity to visit the Folkestone Museum. The children were...

British Isles Day
To end our British Isles unit in geography we tried different foods from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The children had to make...

Astor Dance Festival
Today we took twenty children to the Astor Dance Festival. Our dance club joined other schools, during the day we rehearsed the dance on...

World Book Day
Today we celebrated World Book Day across the school. We began by joining together in the hall to find out more about book day and hold a...

Gymnastics workshop - Year 2
Today the children had a gymnastics workshop, which linked in with our PE topic this term. The class were split up into two groups which...

Stop Look, Listen and Think!
Today, we took part in Road Safety workshops. This was a creative way to help us learn a very powerful message; how important our safety...

Year 2 Gymnastics
This term in PE year 2 have been learning all about gymnastics which includes different positions, controlling their muscles to help...