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Welcome to Ducklings Class (Year R)

Ducklings Class latest blogs


Dear Parents

The Ducklings will be exploring our new topic of Stories from the past. As this is our final term and to aid transition into KS1, we will be working with Year 1, we will focus our learning around traditional tales and explore the differences through time. This term will include sports day, creative day and a Buddy day at the beach or park, and a class trip to Drusillas. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The emphasis will be very much on working together as part of a whole school team. We will focus even more on independence, especially in their learning, to prepare them for Year 1.


Our main focus will still be on encouraging the children to become readers as quickly as possible. The children are in mixed Read Write Inc groups across the school in accordance with our school phonics programme. Most of the children now know their letter sounds so the focus will be on blending and fluency. In writing our focus will still be on pencil control, writing familiar words and beginning to construct simple sentences, taking note of full stops and capital letters. This term we will reading traditional tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk. We will learn about myths and fairy-tales.


We are continuing with promoting independent maths skills but our focus will still be to learn to read and say our numbers within 100. This term we will be looking at number stories with subtraction and addition. In Ducklings we are going to be learning about halves and quarters along with doubling. This term we will support transition into year one by creating a more focused environment, in addition to the normal child led play.

Understanding of the World

Our first focus will look at the history behind our stories and identify how these stories may have changed over time. We will make links between our own lives and the characters in the books.

Physical Development

Our P.E will be focused on getting ready for sports day. We will look at routine, exercise and diet and discover how these can help us to be fitter and healthier. The children will try out athletic skills this term. We shall explore what we mean by being fit and if people do this in different ways.

Expressive Arts and Design

We will be continuing to explore a huge range of textures and resources but deepen our learning with planning and improving our designs.  In addition the children will be using all of our creative resources including role play in their child initiated times.


Please share the books that are sent home with your child because the more they are encouraged to share books the better reader they will become.


We have a child in our class that has lost a white pair of Nike trainers. Please could you all take the time to check at home. 

Please label all items of clothing clearly!!!

Despite many reminders we are still seeing many items brought into class with no names!

With 30 children it will be impossible to ensure they keep their processions if they are not labelled.

Now the weather is warmer please provide your child with a sun hat and sunscreen while in school.

P.E is on a Friday the children must come into school wearing full PE kit this day.

This is a long letter but hopefully it gives you an idea of what we will be doing this Term. Our main aim as well as learning is to have lots of fun.

Thanks for your support and you are most welcome to come and ask about anything that we do!

Mrs Price and Team

Curriculum Plans:







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