School Council
Our School Council meets once a term with Mrs Buchanan and Mrs Semple. Our ‘Class Representatives’ are from Year 2 up to Year 6 and they represent the views and opinions of their whole class. Our Council team our elected by their classmates and really enjoy the opportunities and responsibilities that the role offers.
During meetings our Council team contribute and share ideas in a supportive and friendly atmosphere and are encouraged to speak confidently and freely. Our School Council work together as a team to achieve the best for our school and all the people in it.

Below is a list of qualities and attributes we hope to encourage in our School Council Members during their time on the Council...
The ability to celebrate difference and diversity
To respect rights and opinions of all
To be motivated
Able to show enthusiasm when listening to other peoples’ ideas
To display leadership skills
Demonstrate confidence when speaking publicly
To enjoy being creative
To be co-operative and supportive to others
The ability to make confident decisions