Curriculum Overview
At St Eanswythe’s Primary School, our school vision is learning holistically through God’s unconditional love. The curriculum is designed around our belief that each child is unique and should be empowered to be a confident, resilient, content, independent, inspired, self-motivated, life-long learner. We strive to educate the whole child through a range of both curricular and extracurricular activities. We put a strong emphasis on a rounded and balanced curriculum, as we believe that children reach their potential academically when they are able to excel in an area of the curriculum and where they enjoy coming to school.
Our Christian values help children to develop their social and moral code, as they build their sense of uniqueness and self-worth as an individual. We believe all children deserve the opportunity to nurture their individual talents and to achieve their true potential. We aim to encourage the children to develop their understanding of their local and national heritage and their role in modern Britain today.
We give high priority to teaching the fundamentals of reading, writing and Maths, every day, to ensure that all pupils acquire the basic skills for learning and life. These skills are used and practised across other subjects. We teach the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, using a wide range of strategies. We give children opportunities to work on their own, in pairs and in groups. We value the importance of discussion as a tool for learning and invest time in this.
It is important to us to provide a broad range of exciting, relevant and creative opportunities that enrich our children’s learning, such as: wow events, trips, visitors, outdoor learning in our school grounds and links with our parish church. As part of this commitment to excellent provision, we employ specialist teachers to teach Music, Art, DT, French and PE.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) can be found here Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Schools. We teach this framework through topics that excite the children, and plan according to their needs and interests.
The National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-primary-curriculum
The curriculum is developed by all members of our teaching staff including the Senior Leadership Team, Class Teachers and Subject Leaders. The curriculum is never complete, we continually review and amend it when necessary. We follow the National Curriculum as our overall guide and follow various schemes to further enhance this. Regular CPD is given to teaching staff to ensure they are always up to date with the curriculum and subject knowledge. Our curriculum has been sequenced so it allows children to constantly build on their knowledge. Every term pupils experience a wide range of enrichment to enhance their knowledge and bring it to life. This is through school trips, whether that be around our local area of Folkestone or further afield, or inviting visitors into school. Subject Leaders monitor their subjects to ensure the curriculum is being covered and skills are being taught and progressed.
Our curriculum Long Term Plans can be viewed below.
For additional information, please see Year Group newsletters or contact the school.
Details of the curriculum are on each subject page, specific information detailing what children will be learning is published on their class blog on a termly basis.
Every term we review the impact of our curriculum through book looks led by Subject Leaders within a staff meeting. We also monitor the impact of our curriculum through regular staff and pupil voice. This gives us a clear understanding of how each subject is taught and gives us the opportunity to see what is needed for future CPD sessions. We moderate writing books within staff meetings so all teaching staff are aware of expectations across the year groups. The Senior Leadership Team look at writing and maths books regularly to ensure there is consistency in expectations across the school.
Long-term memory techniques are being implemented into lessons to ensure pupils retain skills and knowledge learnt previously. This is in addition to starters that recap the learning from previous lessons in all other subjects.
We provide a happy, supportive and purposeful environment, and deliver a curriculum that excites and stimulates children’s imaginations and creative thinking.