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Class 6

Welcome to Class 6

Class 6 latest blogs

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Dear Parent/Carer


Happy New Year!

Welcome back to term 3, I hope you have had a lovely Christmas break. This term we will be starting to prepare for SAT’s which are in May. We will be looking at previous papers and working from them occasionally, as well as our usual lessons, so we are going to be busy!


History: Our topic this term is The Suffragettes. We begin by looking at democracy in the 19th century and provide an introduction of important legislation that opened the vote to more of the British public by the 1860s. Lesson 2 focuses on the first women’s significant suffrage society- the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, led by Millicent Fawcett. The children then compare this with the Women’s Social and Political Union, led by Emmeline Pankhurst, in lesson 3. In lesson 4 the children learn about the Anti-Suffragist campaign and in lesson 5 the children retrieve prior learning on World War I and the Representation of the People Act.


Science: The science topic for this term is Electricity. We will revisit learning from Years 2 and 4, learning that electricity flows in a circuit. Lesson two will look at voltage and how it affects the brightness of a bulb or the volume of a buzzer. In lesson three, children will learn how switches control the flow of electricity in a circuit, looking at kill switches. In lessons four and five, children will design and build a circuit for a purpose, designing a toy that uses electricity for a function (e.g. toy car).


Maths: We will be looking at Ratio, Algebra and Decimals alongside practise papers for upcoming SAT’s.


English: We will be working from a book called ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ by Ross Mackenzie. From that we will be looking at a number of different activities to aid with story writing, punctuation and grammar.


Whole Class Reading: This term we will be reading The Nowhere Emporium that runs alongside our Literacy topic. It is about a mysterious shop that appears from nowhere and has a magical labyrinth of rooms containing wonders beyond belief, but to enter you must pay a price!


RE: Our focus this term is Humanism.


PSHE: Our topic of conversation will be ‘Challenging Prejudice and Discrimination’ leading on to discussions about LGBTQ and to embrace differences.


Art: Working in 3 dimensions and using brave colours.

Computing: We will be looking at Blogging and Creating a Text Adventure.


PE: We will be looking at Yoga and how it can help us concentrate on mindfulness and body awareness. Improve strength and flexibility along with breathing and meditation skills. In our Friday lesson we will be playing dodgeball.


Homework as follows:

  • Reading will be expected to be at least 20 mins daily and will be recorded in their reading journals with a parent signature when possible please.

  • Spellings will be sent home weekly.

  • Maths will be revising all times tables and number bonds, and when needed for reinforcing learning, other work will be sent out either individually or as a class.



PE this term will be on a Monday and Friday but children must have a named PE kit in school at all times please as we also have workshops going on throughout the term.


If there are any questions or queries please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Edgar


Additional information:

The Suffragette Movement - BBC Bitesize

What does ratio mean? - BBC Bitesize

Curriculum Plans:







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