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Class 6

Welcome to Class 6

Class 6 latest blogs

Yr 6 Classroom 2023.JPG

Dear Parent/Carer


Welcome back to the very last term of the year. I hope you all had an enjoyable two week break and are now ready for the final part of our journey. There will be lots of extra-curricular activities this term as well as our usual subjects.


Geography: Our topic this term is New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands. We will be looking at its geographical location in the world, its volcanoes and geysers, we will learn about the Maori population and explore the climate and biomes found there.

Science: The science topic for this term is Evolution. In lesson one, pupils will learn that fossils are physical evidence of life from long ago. In lesson two, pupils will learn that offspring are usually similar, but not identical, to their parents, learning that inherited traits can vary. Lesson three will explore how species can adapt over time to suit their environment. Lesson four and five will develop this knowledge by looking at Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace respectively.

Maths: We will be concentrating on Problem Solving and various other revision topics based around White Rose Maths syllabus.

English: We will be attempting to put together the history of our class in 31 objects. We will discuss and describe what each object means to us and the reason behind why we still have it. We will then look at writing poetry about the different objects.

Whole Class Reading: This term we will be reading Wonder by R.J.Palacio.

RE: Our focus this term is Humanism.

PSHE: Our topic of conversation will be: Changes in Me: Puberty and Reproduction along with Transition and moving on to the wider world.

Computing: Mr O will be looking at using a Word document and spreadsheets.

PE: We will be having fun practicing for sports day and playing rounders.

Music: Performing and composing

MFL: Mrs Gerbino will be teaching Time Travelling in French.



PE this term will be on a Thursday and Friday but children must have a named PE kit in school at all times please as we have a busy schedule ahead of us with a lot of sport in it!


If there are any questions or queries please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Edgar 

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