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Class 5

Welcome to Class 5

Class 5 latest blogs

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Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back to Term 6! I cannot believe we have reached the end of the year! What a fantastic year it has been! I hope you had a restful half term break despite the weather. I have been busy planning an exciting term for your children.

Literacy: In Literacy, we will base our work around our class novel ‘Shadow’. We will be writing letters, diary entries and emotive poetry.

Maths: We will be focussing on position and direction, shape and decimal numbers using White Rose. We will also be looking at negative numbers and units of measure.

Geography: In this area of the curriculum, we will be carrying out a local study. Within this unit, the children will be looking at ordinance maps of Folkestone and think about certain geographical issues that residents may experience. We will be visiting the Harbour to carry out our local study.

Science: Our topic this term is ‘Meteorology’. We will be looking at the structure of the Earth’s atmosphere aswell as why we experience different types of weather.

RE: Our big question this term is ‘What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?’ We will be looking carefully at the Islamic faith and the five pillars of Islam, why Eid is celebrated and the importance of prayer within the faith.

PSHE: Our focus for the term is ‘Transition and Change’. We will be having many discussions about not only changes that happen in our lives but also change within the school and moving up in the school.

PE: Our lessons will be on a Tuesday and Friday this term. Please ensure that the children have a full PE kit, which includes leggings or tracksuit bottoms for colder weather.

French: We will be looking at Time in French and revisiting our knowledge of numbers.

Computing: We will be looking at concept maps this term.

Homework:  Your child has a homework book with a sheet stuck in. This sheet contains six spellings to learn for a test every Monday, 20 minutes of reading to complete and times tables to learn. The children can complete any spellings/times tables practice in these homework books.  The children have asked me if they are able to complete extra tasks related to their learning such as making things or writing poems.  This is always welcome!


PE is on a Tuesday and Friday the children must have a named PE kit in school at all times. PE is such a vital part of the curriculum and it is such a shame when the children have to miss out due to missing kit. 

As the weather should hopefully be picking up, please ensure that your child has sun cream and a sunhat in school at all times. 

Children should be reading at home on a daily basis. Your child has a reading record book and it would be greatly appreciated if you could hear them read aloud regularly. 

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. 

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Buchanan


Curriculum Plans:







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