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Class 5

Welcome to Class 5

Class 5 latest blogs

Year 5 .JPG

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back to Term 3 and 2025. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year. I am very much looking forward to spending the rest of the academic year with your children.


Literacy: In Literacy, we will be working on our narrative writing including dialogue. We will also be writing a biography and a non-chronological report.


Class Novel: The Explorer written by Katherine Rundell.


Maths: We will be focussing on multiplication and division value using White Rose. We are also going to work on our arithmetic skills and finish our unit of fractions.


History: In this area of the curriculum, we will be looking at The Transatlantic Slave Trade. Within this study, the children will become aware of the origins of The Transatlantic slave trade, the treatment and resistance of enslaved Africans and the abolishment of slavery.


Science: Our topic this term is ‘Living Things’. This will include life Cycles of plants and animals in our local area, reproduction in plants and life cycles of mammals and amphibians.


RE: Our big question this term is ‘How does following God bring freedom and justice?’ We will be exploring this through art, discussion and religious texts.


PSHE: Our focus for the term is ‘Body Image’. We will be exploring gender and gender roles and prejudices and discrimination around body image and gender.


PE: This term, our PE units will be Handball and Gymnastics.

Computing: We will be investigating and exploring databases.


Homework:  Your child has a homework book with a sheet stuck in. This sheet contains six spellings to learn for a test every Monday, 20 minutes of reading to complete and times tables to learn. The children can complete any spellings/times tables practice in these homework books.  The children have asked me if they are able to complete extra tasks related to their learning such as making things or writing poems.  This is always welcome!



  • PE is on a Tuesday and Friday. The children must have a named PE kit in school at all times. PE is such a vital part of the curriculum and it is such a shame when the children have to miss out due to missing kit. Please ensure that your child has tracksuit bottoms/leggings to do PE in the colder weather.

  • Children should be reading at home on a daily basis. Your child has a reading record book and it would be greatly appreciated if you could hear them read aloud regularly.


If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. 

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Buchanan



Curriculum Plans:







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