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Class 4

Welcome to Class 4

Class 4 latest blogs


Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome back to another sunny summer term at St-Eanswythes!



This term, we will be focusing on enhancing the children’s reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. We will engage with a variety of texts, including fiction and poetry written by Zombierella by Joseph Coelho.


  • Shape: Understanding the properties and classification of different shapes.

  • Statistics: Collecting, analysing, and interpreting data through graphs and charts.

  • Position and Direction: Learning about coordinates, mapping, and directional language to enhance spatial awareness.

Science - Electricity:

  • Exploring the basics of electric current and how circuits function.

  • Hands-on experiments to understand the role of switches in circuits.

  • Identifying materials that are conductors or insulators and understanding their applications.

Geography - Spatial Sense:

  • Globes and the Tropics: Learning about the Earth's structure and the significance of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.

  • Scale: Understanding map scales and how they represent real-world distances.

  • Grid References: Using grid references to locate places on a map accurately.

  • Our Local Area: Studying the geographical features of our local area and how it fits into a larger context.

  • Changes over Time: Investigating how our local area has changed over time and the factors that have influenced these changes.

Religious Education (RE) - Kingdom of God:

  • Exploring the concept of life as a journey and the significant experiences that mark this journey from different religious and philosophical perspectives.

  • Discussions and reflections on the importance of milestones and rites of passage in various cultures.

Physical Education (PE) - Athletics:

  • Focusing on developing skills in running, jumping, and throwing.

  • Encouraging teamwork, perseverance, and personal bests through various athletic activities and games.

Art - Embroidery, Needlework, and Weaving:

  • Introducing students to different textile techniques.

  • Projects will include creating simple embroidery patterns, practicing needlework stitches, and exploring basic weaving methods.

  • Emphasis on creativity, patience, and fine motor skills.

Design Technology (DT) - Fastenings:

  • Investigating different types of fastenings and their uses in everyday objects.

  • Practical activities to design and create items incorporating various fastening methods, enhancing problem-solving and design skills.


  • PE Sessions: Scheduled for Wednesday this term. Please ensure that your child always has a named PE kit in school.

  • Swimming: Will be every Friday, so please insure you child has all the necessary clothing required. 

  • Daily Reading: Daily reading at home is essential for your child's literacy development. Please support them by listening to them read aloud regularly and recording their progress in their reading record book.

Spellings: The children’s spellings are put on every week. This is a fun and engaging way for the children to learn and practise their weekly spellings. Their logins are in their reading records.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Your involvement and support are greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Race









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