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Class 3

Welcome to Class 3

Class 3 latest blogs

Year 3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Happy New Year! Welcome to Term 3! 

We hope that you have all had a happy and restful Christmas and that you are all ready for the new term!

We are incredibly excited for this term’s history topic…Ancient Egypt. We have so many exciting things planned. The children will learn about what life was like for different people in Egypt at this time- looking at how archaeologists have been able to find out about the food they ate, the clothes they wore, the houses they lived in and the jobs they did. The children will also learn about some of the fascinating Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. We have a school trip book for Wednesday January 15th to the Beaney in Canterbury where we will take part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop.


Mrs Purver will teach Art on Fridays. This term our learning links closely with our History. The children will learn that the art of Ancient Egypt includes sculpture, paintings on papyrus and walls as well as buildings. Much of the art that we have from Ancient Egypt is from tombs and the children learn that the artwork that remains shows us not only about what the ancient civilisation believed about the afterlife but also about how they lived, how they were ruled and the power of the pharaohs. The children will create their own sphinx from clay, use mixed media to make Egyptian collars and draw Egyptian gods and goddesses in profile on their own homemade papyrus.


Science will continue to be taught by Mr Brinkley on Monday afternoons. This term the children will be studying Light. We will learn that light is an energy that enables us to see, and interact with, the world around us. We will learn about different sources of light and how sunlight is vital for life on earth. We will work scientifically to find out if materials are transparent or opaque using torches. We will learn that light travels in straight lines and sometimes bounces off from an object or material and that scientists call this reflection.


Following the White Rose scheme used in school, the focus of this term dictates we will learn about multiplication and division. We will be learning about methods that they can use to solve these types of questions, which will include the use of arrays and place value grids. We aim to ensure that the children have a good grasp of these areas so that we are able to progressively build on their knowledge and understanding.  As ever, times tables will have an important role to play in ensuring your child feels confident in number. Learning and practising these at home as well as school really does make a huge difference! 


This term, our books will be linked to our History Topic. We will start with story writing based upon ‘Cinderella of the Nile’ then move on to writing a biography. We will be studying a biography of Howard Carter before writing our own. We will have a continued big focus on the uses of punctuation, handwriting and SPAG features including but not limited to adjectives, interesting verbs and adverbs to add more detail.


This term our R.E unit is Sikhism. The children will recap features of Sikhism that they learnt about in previous years and will broaden their understanding of the key features of this religion by exploring the big question for this term: ‘What is important for Sikh people?’


Will be on Tuesdays and Fridays. In class, this term we will covering a ‘gymnastics’ unit and on Fridays, the children will be focusing on dodgeball. PLEASE make sure your child has their FULL PE kit in school, at all times and that it is clearly named.  PE is a vital part of the curriculum and children need to have the correct kit with them.


Computing lessons will continue to be taught by Mr O on Fridays. This term the children will be continuing to review their learning and understanding about online safety and alongside this, they will begin their unit of touch-typing. The children will be completing different set activities to develop their speed and accuracy of using a keyboard to type. This is an invaluable skill that the children enjoy developing and will aid them in their English work when publishing their biographies using Purple Mash.


If you have any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to working with you together this term.


Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Honzik and Mrs Crockford







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