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Our Behaviour

We aim to create a Christian environment in which each child is valued and special. We also aim to nurture and develop respect for the rights and needs of others within the children. As a church school, we believe that good behaviour is supported by Biblical guidelines.

The behaviour in our school is exemplary. Children behave well both in lessons and around the school. Behaviour has been judged to be outstanding in the 2010, 2013 and 2019 Ofsted reports and in the 2015 and 2021 SIAMs inspections.


Below are quotes from the 2019 Ofsted report about behaviour within St. Eanswythe’s CE Primary School.

  • ‘Pupils attend school regularly. Leaders work very closely with the few pupils and their families who require support. No groups of pupils are disadvantaged by poor attendance.’

  • ‘Pupils’ behaviour in classrooms is exemplary. They follow teachers’ instructions promptly. No learning time is lost. Pupils move from one activity to another seamlessly and with little teacher intervention.’

  • ‘The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. Pupils take great care of the school site and buildings. There is no litter or graffiti. Pupils move around the buildings carefully and safely. They play together properly during play times. Lunchtimes are calm as pupils eat their food respectfully together. They tidy up after themselves well.’

  • ‘Pupils are very respectful of peoples’ differences. Pupils told an inspector how everyone is respected at their school. Pupils say that bullying rarely happens, if at all.’

  • ‘Pupils are supremely happy and confident and self-aware. Jolly and enthusiastic pupils interact with each other respectfully and caringly across the school. A very effective buddy system pairs pupils from different year groups together. They look after each other during the day and attend school activities together. The buddy system is highly valued by pupils and parents.’  


The 2015 SIAMs inspection states, ‘Behaviour across the school is outstanding and relationships within the school are of a very high quality, making the school a very loving, accepting and nurturing environment.’

The exceptional behaviour of the children enables them to learn to their full potential it also means that it is possible to for them to have a wide range of extra curricular opportunities.








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