In Year Admissions please go to https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/school-places/admissions-criteria to register and apply for a place. St Eanswythe’s is oversubscribed and therefore we rarely have spaces in all years. You may however place you child on our waiting lists by completing our application for admission form and emailing us at admin@st-eanswythes.kent.sch.uk
Reception Class September 2025
Our current admissions policy can also be viewed via the KCC admissions website. Admissions Policies for 2025/26 can be read as above.
Prospective parents are advised to read this section very carefully as the school is heavily oversubscribed and the Governing Body regrets that it is often unable to offer places to all applicants.
We aim to create a Christian environment in which each child is valued and special and in which respect for the rights and needs of others is nurtured.
The school serves principally the Town Centre area of Folkestone, but because of changes in legislation, which rightly give parents a wider choice and because of our voluntary aided status, St Eanswythe’s admit children from a wider geographical area.
By law children are required to attend school from the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday but in order to provide a full year of the foundation curriculum, we are able to offer places for children during the academic year following their fourth birthday. All children in this age group are offered full time schooling . Children start in the September about a week after other year groups.
Induction Arrangements
The Directors are unable to offer more than 30 places (our standard number) in the reception year.
How to apply for a place
All parents who wish their children to attend the new Reception Class at St Eanswythe’s during the academic years 2025/26 should contact the school office after 5th November 2024, arrange to visit the school. You must apply for a school place via kent.gov.uk/primaryadmissions between Monday 5th November 2024 and by Wednesday 15th January 2025 to comply with the county wide admissions policy procedure. We work closely with KCC and other schools to provide smooth and co-ordinated admission arrangements across the area.
All parents are required to complete the KCC online application – KCC common application form by the closing date 15th January 2025. The schools application for admission form will assist the school with admissions process but is not mandatory.
The number of applications usually exceeds the places available and the Governors Admissions Committee, when it meets (usually at the end of the Spring Term) has to use the admissions policy to decide which pupils will receive the available places.
Criteria for Admission
The admissions policy does not take account of how long a child has been registered; it provides a list of criteria to enable applications received by the date published by the LA, which is during January (see KCC admissions website), to be placed in an order of priority.
Successful Applicants
Successful applicants are informed in Term 5. You must accept the place offered by (date to be confirmed)
We will be doing open afternoons for you and your child in the summer term. The school will contact parents with dates and times.
Appeals Arrangements
The law allows you to appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel against the refusal of a place at any of the schools you applied for. Should you wish to, you may also contact your local County Councillor for support. Any appeal should be lodged online to the independent appeals panel:
https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/school-places/appeal-a-school-offer#tab-1 by Tuesday 20 May 2025
Our appeals guidance is subject to change so please ensure you check our website for more details at:
If your child is due to start primary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday 16 April 2025).
You must submit your appeal before Tuesday 20 May 2025 for it to be considered by Tuesday 22 July 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.
For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.
In accordance with the requirements of the 1980 Education Act parents have the right of appeal if their application is not successful. This appeal will be heard by KCC Independent Appeals, decisions are legally binding on both Directors and the Local Education Authority.
Appeals outside of main round admissions should be sent to Mr P Barton Clerk to the Directors to admin@st-eanswythes.kent.sch.uk
Any applications that the Directors receive after the places have been allocated are put on a waiting list and considered according to the same criteria when a place becomes available.